What is personal color analysis, and what can it do for me? Glad you asked!
Personal color analysis is based on the science of vision, focusing on the visible interactions between your skin and the colors you wear. In the wrong colors, you may look tired and drained, with blotchy or discolored skin, and your facial features can even look blurred or severe. Bummer, right? However, in the right colors, your skin tone looks healthy and vibrant, your facial features are enhanced, and your natural attractiveness is showcased in a way that only color can accomplish!
In Sci Art 12 Tone Color Analysis, your certified consultant uses a set of precisely calibrated fabric drapes to systematically observe your skin's reactions to hue (warmth and coolness), value (lightness and darkness), and chroma (amount of clarity or mutedness), finding the colors that bring out your absolute best. You will leave not only with new knowledge, but also with a practical, portable swatchbook of your best colors to use for all your fashion decisions.
Make an appointment today, and discover the unique confidence that the right colors can give you!